Nuclear Power Plant Temelín
12. 10. 2023
NPP Temelin is situated approximately 24 km from the South Bohemian capital České Budějovice. Electricity is generated in two production units with VVER 1000 Type V 320 pressurised-water reactors.
Before NPP Temelin was put into operation, South Bohemia region had to rely on the supply of electricity from other parts of the country, mainly from ecologically burdened northern Bohemia with many coal-fired plants.
Štěchovice Hydroelectric Power Station
13. 10. 2023
The Štěchovice I Hydroelectric Power Station was originally built as the second stage of the Vltava Cascade at the end of World War II. The water reservoir of this medium-head hydroelectric power station is 9.4 km long and reaches as far as the stilling basin of the Slapy hydroelectric power station. Its capacity is 11.2 million m3 of water, and its predominant purpose is to balance the fluctuating runoff from the peak-load hydroelectric power station at Slapy.